Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Susan's MarathonFest Group Mail Nov 22- 28

Lots going on this week! First off, Happy Thanksgiving! Due to the holiday, there are NO training workouts on Thursday. There is the Turkey Trot 5k though! Second....it's Space Coast Weekend! We have lots of runners headed over for the full and the half marathon. Wear your Track Shack shirts to be SEEN easily! We will have lots of runners and spectators there!

Saturday- We will support a Long Run/Early Start. Read your Pace Group Emails for exact details!

Sunday- We will NOT have a long run supported. Sunday WILL have a 5:30am start and shorter mileage offered. READ YOUR PACE GROUP EMAILS for exact details!

If you need help covering your mileage this weekend, please let me know asap at susiwellness@aol.com

MARATHONFEST TECH SHIRTS- If you are interested in a Tech Shirt, please email me at susiwellness@aol.com Limited sizes available!

RAFFLE TICKETS- Remember to fill out a Raffle ticket each time you attend a MarathonFest Workout. The next drawing will be Saturday, Dec. 18th for more Brooks prizes!

THIS WEEK'S TRAINING---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
QUOTE OF THE WEEK- "Have a dream, make a plan, go for it. You'll get there, I promise." ~ Zoe Koplowitz, Achilles Track Club member with Multiple Sclerosis. Zoe finished the 1993 NYC Marathon in 24 hours.

TUESDAY TRACK- Arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to allow time for warm up. Warm up before the workout by running easy or walking. Use the track to get in a half mile (2 laps) to as much as 2 or 3 miles depending upon your running background and the mileage you are accustomed to running. Use the Pace Charts at the track to help you determine appropriate times to target. After you have completed the workout, walk or jog easy for at least 1 or 2 laps to cool down. Bring a towel to STRETCH after your cool down.

Space Coast runners- The Workout is 2 or 3 x 1 mile @ goal MRP or HMRP Take 3 to 4 minutes of recovery time between each mile.

All Others- The Workout is 2 sets of 2 x 1200 @ 10k pace. Check the pace charts for your goal interval time! Keep these intervals consistent, no more than a 5 second variance. This helps teach you pacing! Run a 1200, jog a 200 for a short recovery, then run another 1200. Then take 3 to 4 minutes for full recovery. Repeat this sequence for the second set. Yes, it's a tough workout....but you are preparing to eat lots of turkey!

THURSDAY RUN- HAPPY THANKSGIVING! There is no official training run due to the Holiday...but there IS the Annual Turkey Trot 5k at Lake Eola! Come on out and run before you eat! See you there!

Space Coast runners- Run 3 miles, easy.

WEEKEND DETAILS- LONG RUN/EARLY START on Saturday! Ready your Pace Group Leader emails to know your exact start time! With long mileage, starts will be EARLY!!

Saturday- Cady Way Bike Trail, Winter Park
Sunday- behind Brandywine's Deli, Winter Park...NO EARLY START, NO LONG RUN MILEAGE OFFERED THIS WEEK! Contact me at Susiwellness@aol.com if you need to run Saturday for longer mileage.


11/28- Space Coast Full/Half.....................RACES!!
12/19- Jacksonville....................................22 to 24 miles
12/4 & 1/8- OUC Half/Disney Half...............6 to 8 miles
1/9- Disney Full........................................ 20 to 22 miles
1/8 & 9- GOOFY.......................................10 and 20 to 22 miles, DOUBLE LONG!


Saturday Support 4:30am to 9:30am- Cady Way, Phelps Park, Brandywine's, Sinkhole, Glenridge, and Balmoral NO GOLF COURSE
Sunday Support 5:30am to 8:30am- Phelps Park, Balmoral, Brandywine's, Golf Course, and Sinkhole

TRAINING TIP- This weekend is a long run for Jax and Disney...and a DOUBLE long run for GOOFY runners. It's a tough combination on a Holiday weekend but think of all the turkey and pumpkin pie you will work off. Runners going long should plan on taking pace easy...this means you should be 30 seconds to 1 minute SLOWER than your goal Marathon Race Pace (MRP). Drink lots of water this week, especially with all the extra eating we will be doing!! Plan your run nutrition for the long run, plan what and when you will take it and stick to your plan. This is practice for the "real" thing! Work the kinks out on training runs now, rather than have a bad experience in your race.

Some runners have asked about running the Space Coast Full as their long training run for Jax or Disney. This can be a very good training option IF you feel you are ready to tackle the full 26.2 miles. And, you must be prepared to take the pace EASY because this is a training run for you, NOT a race. It is nice to receive a medal for doing a "long run". If you are considering this option, plan for it with proper rest, nutrition, and hydration all week long...just as if it were your race. Take it seriously...respect the distance even when you are not racing it. Also, another thing to consider is the weather....if this is "just" a training run for you and it turns out to be 85 degrees or somthing ridiculously hot at the start, pass up the race and do your training run instead. Save yourself for your goal race, don't do the additional mileage that the Full would require. If the weather is nice and cool, go for it!

LOOKING AHEAD- Next weekend, Dec. 4 and 5, we are OYO for the OUC Half Marathon!!

PHOTOS- Patti is already collecting photos for the annual Victory Breakfast! Please send your running/race photos to Patti at patricia_mbrigham@hotmail.com Please include your Name and Pace Group Leaders. Thank you!
Remember: "Unless you practice the distance the race will not begin. Without you the race will not come alive!" Jim 'miJ' Kirwin

See you on the road,
Susan Paul, MS
TSF Training Program Director

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